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World Skills

Who are the champions of in the field of construction, care or engineering? World Skills Netherlands is committed to promoting vocational education and craftsmanship among young people. They do this by vakwedstrijden te organsiseren. 

Together with influencers Marije Zuurveld and Moïse Trustfull we have now developed two series in which the ladies roll up their sleeves to learn more about vocational education together with former winners and participants of World Skills.  

Video Series Behind the Skills & Meet Your Skills

Meet Your Skills | Zorg, Welzijn & Sport

Behind the skills | Bloemschikken

Behind the skills | Elektrotechnicus - Boaz Poppelier

Meet Your Skills | Logistiek en Maritiem


For World Skills Netherlands we produce several online campaigns with the aim to reach and activate young people. Besides being put away online, the videos are also linked as teaching material to various educational packages created by World Skills for Secondary Education.

🦀 Two 8-part series
🦀 Teasers for Instagram & TikTok
🦀 Various promos
🦀 Work: concepting, script, casting animation, directing, production and post-production
🦀 Video partner since 2020 

Photography Skills

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