
Making a video about an ironing board overteamer, a soda water maker, or garbage sorter boring? Not when Jump! Retail and Krab join forces. For Blokker, we create product videos and instructional videos showing how the product works and what the benefit is in just 30 seconds. Besides online, the videos are shown via narrowcasting screens or by scanning a QR code in the physical store.

productvideo blokker

Strijkdeken Productvideo

Afvalsorteerders Productvideo

Bruiswater Blokker Productvideo

X-mop productvideo

An enthusiastic young team that is passionate and thinks along to get the right end result. In short, a pleasant cooperation!

- Frederique Doevendans
Account Executive (Blokker)

Results product & instructional videos

Meanwhile, we created videos of the ironing board cover, Waste sorters, Soda water maker. Refrigerator storage, Dryer and X-mop. And the handy part? Each video is built up with a fixed design and storyline, so that Blokker can easily continue with more products using the same format and a short video. 

🦀 Multiple deployable videos
🦀 Work: concepting, script, animation, directing, production and post-production
🦀 Video partner of Jump! Retail since 2021 

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